Twitter is one of the World’s most popular social networking site that’s addictive, informative and also fun. With Twitter, you can have a conversation with your favorite celebrity, entrepreneur or connect and follow your favorite blogs. But let’s agree that Twitter is not for everyone. Some may find it as boring and they may not […]
How to Post Updates from Twitter to Facebook Wall Automatically
Use of social media is increasing day by day. And therefore, one may want to harness the power of social media to the full extent. But its not wise to manually keep on posting at all places, and thereby wasting time and energy. Did you know that you can automate the process of posting Twitter […]
How to Add Twitter Follow Button
Twitter has introduced the new Follow button. This is a new button, which helps people to follow Twitter accounts directly from the website. This new follow button is more or less like the facebook’s “like” button, which allows easy subscription. You can also see the profile and some of the latest Tweets of the account […]
How to Add/Create a Custom Twitter Background
Twitter is no doubt becoming more popular day by day. To reap the benefits of social media, and to drive more traffic to the Blog or website, many people tweet regularly. Some still don’t know or didn’t never cared to go to the settings panel of Twitter. So finally if you think to add a […]
Add A Custom Twitter Status Message To A Link Or A Button
Ever wondered how do people create that “Retweet” link or button or create links like “Click here to Retweet”. Well its nothing but just coding and the message. Yes you can add a custom message to the Twitter URL and its just too easy. Its this simple. Your message should contain “” compulsorily and […]
Integrating Blog’s Feeds To Twitter or Facebook Automatically
Have a blog and want to integrate your RSS feeds to Twitter and Facebook? Yes, you can automate this task. After successfully publishing/writing a new blog post, the second thing which many people do is to post that blog post to Twitter or facebook. And nowadays blog posting to social media is very important. So […]