There are plugins for many different purposes in WordPress. The beauty of WordPress lies in two things – its free (open-source) and vast choice of plugins and themes to select from. Here is one more useful plugin which will eliminate all the hassles of delving in coding and enabling multi-site in WordPress. No more manual work is required.
Enable Multi-Site Plugin
Creating a Multi-site is also referred to as “creating a network”. The task is somewhat complicated, as it involves editing some core/important files. People who are not comfortable doing this task, may stay away from creating a network. But not anymore. Here comes a great solution in the form of a plugin.
The name of plugin is Enable Multi-Site. Its rightly named and it does exactly what the name suggests. Install this plugin as you would normally do.
Go to Plugins > Add New and type the name of this plugin. In the search results, you will find the name of this plugin. Click on Install. After installing, just Activate it.
Now that the plugin is activated, you will find a new menu in Settings tab, with the name Enable Multi-Site. Click on it and configure different options. (Here is a screenshot of this area)
The most important setting is that you will need to choose between sub-domains or sub-directories. This means each additional site in your network will be created as a new “virtual” subdomain or subdirectory.
- Sub-domains — like and
- Sub-directories — like and
Give a network title and email address and you’re ready to hit the “Install” button.
Ins’t this the easiest way to create a network in WordPress. Why go the manual way, when this plugin is here to help. No more editing .htaccess and wp-config.php file. Who said creating a network is advanced stuff that only ninjas can do.
Download this plugin from here.
NOTE: It’s recommended that before following this tutorial, backup WordPress, just to stay on the safer side.
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