WordPress username and password can be changed by logging in to WordPress Dashboard and then by going to “Users” section. From there you can edit any user account but for doing this, you must be having an admin user role. But what if you’re not able to login to the Dashboard? There is an easy […]
Auto Backup WordPress to Amazon S3 [Tutorial]
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is an online storage web service offered by Amazon Web Services. This is designed to provide 99.99% durability and 99.99% availability of objects over a given year. S3 can become a good choice for backup of WordPress site. In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an account on […]
How to Enable SSL for WordPress
Website admins are always concerned about security of their site and no doubt they should be. In today’s world, there is a constant threat of hackers lurking around, who are always trying to find that loophole and how they can get your confidential information. The most important confidential information for a WordPress administrator, is the […]
Create and Style a Table in WordPress Easily
Creating a table in WordPress is not a ninja task, its easy and anyone can create it. In this tutorial, we’ll be creating beautiful table in WordPress and style it using CSS. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know CSS, but we’ll be using a style wizard which will automatically style the table by outputting […]
How to Install and Setup MaxCDN With WP Super Cache
No doubt WordPress is a superb publishing platform and used by beginners to professionals. Even the big ones use this awesome CMS. To further improve the performance, use a caching plugin like WP Super Cache with MaxCDN. This is one of the most popular plugin at WordPress plugins library. If you’re already using this plugin, […]
Resize and Compress Images for Your Website With a Right Click
Webmasters often have the need to optimize their images for the web by compressing and resizing images. So what’s the easiest and hassle free way to do this? Using Photoshop for this task is not possible for everyone. Not everyone out there needs to delve in all this Photoshop stuff. Is there a easy way […]