Talks about Windows 7 is everywhere. So in this situation, amaze your friends by this “Seven Transformation Pack”. That means even if you have Windows XP or Windows Vista, you just need to install this software and looks of the PC would be transformed to Windows 7.
Opera Unite – Reinventing the web
Well, the first look at Opera Unite tells much. Just visit their official website and you’ll know how much they are claiming. Opera Unite is a new software or you can call a new technology, which according to the developers can change your web browsing experience.So now lets experience its features and you are invited.
Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 (free antivirus) leaked
Shocking news. I don’t know how can this happen. This thing is floating around the net speedily. Microsoft Security Essentials, which is codenamed Morro, has been leaked. Its a free antivirus offering from Microsoft, which will replace Windows Defender and Windows Live OneCare.
In A Virtual World, We Live In…
Think of this just one time, do you really laugh when you write LOL or ROLFLOL. The answer would be “no”. Do you really mean What The Hell, when you write WTH? Previously we were just writing Grrrr.. to express our emotion of anger, but now these all things are changing. Don’t you think that […]
Fedora 11 Leonidas released
For those who don’t kow, Fedora is a Linux based operating system. The new version i.e. Fedora 11 is released. Fedora fans have been waiting for this for a long time. As you know, Ubuntu and Mandriva are released, so now the concentration of FOSS users is mainly on Fedora 11. It comes in a […]
First encounter with Ubuntu 9.04 and conclusion
Previously I was using Ubuntu 8.04 and now after the release of 9.04, I thought to give this new version a try. So, I installed this Jaunty Jackalope over my Hardy Heron. The installation was smooth like always. Ubuntu developers have made the installation easy, as compared to 8.04. I chose the new ext4 file […]