There may be a time when you want to change the WordPress admin URL. We all know that WordPress doesn’t have any option to change this admin URL and anyone can guess out your login URL. To some it may not be a problem, but some who are extra cautious about the security of their site may want to change this URL to something, which cannot be guessed.
What exactly we’re trying to achieve here ?
You already know that the default login URL of WordPress is: or But what if you want to change this behavior and change the login URL to something other like Wouldn’t it be easier to remember this or you can also change it to something more secure like (this is just an example).
How to Change WordPress Login URL
We all know that to login to a WordPress, you just need to type in sitename and then wp-login.php. With the help Custom Login and Admin URLs plugin, we can change wp-admin and wp-login.php to anything more secure. If your blog becomes popular, then chances are more and more people will try to login with admin username and typing in random passwords. So its better to be safe, then sorry. So lets start.
Download Custom Login and Admin URLs plugin
After downloading and installing, navigate to settings > Permalinks. Take a look at the screenshot:
Now you can see a new option for “Login base”. Enter your desired keyword which you wish for signing in to the site. For e.g. goingin.
Finally after making writing, click on “Save changes” button.
Its recommended to take a backup of .htaccess first and then go ahead and try out this plugin.
If by chance if you made a mistake, then first remove the plugin manually by browsing to wp-content/plugins/ and delete “Custom Login and Admin URLs” folder.
If you are unsure, then you can try this on localhost first, then then install this on live blog also. This is just to be on the safeside and to learn about how this plugin works.
This can be really a nice addition to tighten up the security of your WordPress Blog. Its better to add one more layer of security to your site, isn’t it? What do you think about this plugin? Feel free to comment below.
You may also like to read how to change WordPress Admin Username.
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