File hosting sites are much useful to share files with your friends and relatives. Like others, we don’t like the waiting time required to download the file. But many file hosting sites like RapidShare, Megaupload, Despositfiles, etc require premium accounts to bypass the waiting period. So is there a solution for the end user to handle this situation? Yes and a possible solution would be to upload the file to multiple file hosting sites at once (this is also called as mirror files).
Why upload at multiple file hosting sites? Because if one site is down, then user can still be able to download the file through other site (other mirror). One more advantage is that not all sites have waiting period. Example: MediaFire user just needs to visit this site, fill out captcha and download the file right away, no waiting time. Some of these file hosting sites delete the file if the file is no longer downloaded for a particular period of time, so that means more problems for the uploader and the uploader will need to check each and every files regularly.
That’s why its advantageous to upload the same file to multiple file hosting sites. But don’t worry, you won’t need to do this manually. This can be automated using a web app like – which allows you to upload files to many popular file hosting services like depositfiles, filesonic, filefactory, RapidShare, etc using a single click and no manual work required. All you need to do is to upload the file to this one site, and this file will be automatically distributed to several file sharing sites. Thus, it saves your time, hassles and bandwidth.
You can upload upto 10 files at a time to any selected site. Don’t forget to remove checkmark to sites which you don’t want to upload the file. Add a description to the files and you’re ready to upload it.
After the uploading process is complete, you can get the download link by clicking on “Copy link” form the next page. This link will point to and then from here, user can download the file from any of his favorite file hosting site.
Another method to get download link is right click on “download” button and then click on “Copy link address”. This is useful if you don’t want to give user the choice of all the sites. User will be able to download the file using only that particular site.
Notice the social sharing buttons. You can also click on your favorite social networking sites and inform your friends to download the file. The process is too easy and simple and saves time to manually do all these tasks. Now there’s no need to create file mirrors manually, as this site automatically creates file mirrors on different file hosting servers.
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