Sun has launched India’s first High Definition TV Service. DTH (Direct to Home) are becoming popular nowadays and more and more people are using it. They are cost effective and offer better quality compared to local Cable. Sun has taken a massive step and now you can watch life like video in your expensive TVs or LCDs.
Tata Sky is also going to launch its HD service in some time, so let’s see how many companies will be able to offer this HD DTH service and at what price.
According to Sun, it’s picture quality is five times better compared to any normal TV. Also it offers 5.1 Channel Dolby Digital Surround Sound so that you get the best audio quality. Currently there are no competitors in the market that offers HD DTH service, but in near future many companies will be launching this HD DTH service. So the impatient ones can buy this now to satisfy their hunger for HD needs or if they can wait for some then that will be good.
Before thinking to buy this one, ensure that you have a HDTV. Many companies market these TVs as HDTV, which can show videos in 1920 x 1080 resolution. Currently there are not many channels which are telecasted in HD. The only channels that are avilable in HD are Colors HD, SunTV HD, NGC HD and Discovery HD.
The pricing is 7500 Rs, in exchange of your old STB (Set top box).
shailesh says
i suggest that while deciding abt dth we should go with the dth service provider who has his own channels in large numbers as it compells them to give good service. hence i bought dishtv. cheating is part and parcel of business hence telling something and charging something else is with every dth.
praveen says
Sun direct DTH, the worse service ever faced. For the past two months none of the service is working and the customer service keep on telling the same stories satellite issue, satellite is down etc etc.
Really don’t even dare to think about taking SUN Direct … the worst service … better go for any other service in the industry it will be far far better than this …
Rajasekar says
Please dont buy SUN DTH
I purchased a SUN DTH from VSV Enterprises, Purasawakam (Contact details Joy – 98400 04302) on 08-10-2009. They also gave me a service #s 044-42176174 / 90030 22422. I paid Rs. 2315 (Rs.1250 for set top box+ Rs.990 for yearly subscription+Rs.75 for extra cable).
Now my service connection is cut after 6 months time while I have paid for a yearly subscription. I repeatedly complained to VSV enterprises and SUN DTH help line 39407575 on 6-5-10, 11-5-10, 13-5-10 and spoke to various people. They all did nothing but asked me to pay additionaly. When enquired about the yearly ubscription that I have paid, no one answered my query.
Since the service is so bad and no one is answering responsibly, I dont know what to do. I will not recommend anyone to buy SUN DTH
Saqib says
Oh thanks for informing us about this. I hope they improve their customer service and do something for your case.