Today I will show you a great site through which you can chat with your friends without installing any messenger on your PC. Surprised? Don’t be, read on. You can do almost anything from your favorite browser like Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc directly without even installing Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Live messenger, AIM, ICQ, […]
Search Any File on Local Area Network’s Shared Folders
Sometimes it becomes difficult to manually find the file which you are looking for in a file server. A file server is a PC attached to a network for the purpose of sharing files on the network. It means all the workstations attached can copy, paste, cut, modify all the files from the file server. […]
Download Free Portable Apps
Portable apps means the apps/programs/softwares that can be used/run without installing or any setup. They can run independently without the need of any other software. You can carry portable apps in any optical media or USB Flash drives. Currently the trend is to carry portable apps on USB Flash drives. According to Wikipedia A portable […]
How to Remove Linux from Dual Boot
Many a times, you install Ubuntu or any other linux operating system along with XP, Vista or Windows 7. So if you have a dual boot system, with Windows and Linux, then Linux boot loader will be displayed first, and then you can choose an operating system which you want to start. After trying linux […]
Go Opensource, Use Ubuntu
Go the legal way, use Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a type of linux. There are many flavours of linux like opensuse, fedora, mint, puppy, DSL, etc. I have used and using Ubuntu so I highly recommend it to you also as it is free, fast, stable, eye candy and something new. Ubuntu 8.10 Interpid Ibex is […]
How to Remove Autorun Virus
Autorun viruses are very smart. They can come from internet, USB flash drives, emails. etc. In most cases they come from USB flash drives. After inserting an infected USB flash drives/pen drive, if one double clicks on that drive, then the virus may infect your PC. They need just one execution and your computer is […]