When reading very descriptive articles on internet, sometimes you may get bored and stop reading the article with the intention that you may read the remaining article later on. But one problem that many users face is that they need to remember from where they have stopped reading and continue reading exactly from that paragraph. Searching for the exact text from a long article can be a daunting task. How about an easy to use tool to mark the reading progress on the web page.
Mark and Save Reading Progress with youRhere
youRhere is such a handy Chrome extension that allows you to mark and save a line on the web page, so you could save your reading progress and come back to it later. This extension improves online reading experience by highlighting and saving the exact line from where you have left off reading.
After installing this extension, all you need to do is to just double-click on the line from where you want to mark and save the web page. youRhere will remember this exact line on the page and that’s not all, you can also share the article with your friends on Twitter and Facebook. To remove the market, you can either double click on another line or double click on the marker itself.
When you want to read the article that you have marked, click on the youRhere icon from the toolbar and a new compact pop-up will be displayed showing a list of all saved pages. Click on the article which you want to continue reading. Also from here, you can click on “share” button to share this article on Twitter and Facebook. The entire list displayed here can also be deleted by clicking on “clear list” button.
This extension supports rtl and ltr languages. You can also make use of the first time usage wizard if you’re new to this extension. But in most cases, you won’t need to read any tutorial, as all you need to do is to just double-click on the line to mark and save that line and then the reading progress can be accessed from youRhere’s icon from toolbar. Its this simple.
Right-click on the icon of this extension and click on “options”. From here you can configure various options like marker direction, scroll to marker (or don’t scroll), change marker background color and marker background opacity. You can also block any particular domain and prevent marking by entering the URL of that domain in the space provided.
Those who read a lot on the internet will find this extension as very useful. Start adding articles to your reading list and access those marked articles when you have free time to read those articles (or web pages).
Install youRhere from Chrome Web Store.
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