Recently many online cloud storage providers have evolved offering free space and also paid plans. But the problem with some providers is that they are too complex to be used and user gets confused to do a simple task like uploading and downloading. Ever wanted to paste a snippet of code or text quickly and then share it with friends? Or do you want to quickly share files the easiest possible way. Your answer comes in the name of Hopper.
Hopper is entirely web-based with no application available for desktop. This is a simple online application using which you can quickly share text, links, pictures or any file. Hopper is really simple to use and you don’t even need to login, but if you want to keep a track of all the stuff that you upload or share, then its recommended to create an account.
How Hopper Works
From the homepage, click on “signup” or skip this step if you don’t want to track your files and other stuff. To sign-up, you can either sign-in with social networks like Twitter or Facebook or manually enter email address and password. Sign-up process cannot be simple then this, really.
Now you’ll be able to see the Dashboard. You can copy and paste any text or drag and drop a file into this section to upload it. Or you can also use the handy Hopper bookmarklet which you can drag and drop to browser’s bookmark bar. These three tools can help you to upload stuff to Hopper.
In the above image you can see that I have used the paste feature and also uploaded a file. Try pressing Ctrl+V to paste a snippet of text and then instantly you’ll be able to see the “copy link” button. Click on it to copy and then share this link with your friends. Click on that “pen” type icon to add annotation. Two more buttons are displayed for deleting and for short link. You can “search” for any file from the search bar provided near navigation. You can also try searching for something that you posted yesterday or week ago. Try searching for:
- before today
- after monday
- is a picture
- is text
- a link
When you open the link for text, Hopper has a built in text reader so the text is opened and readable right on the screen, no need to download the text. This feature is very useful if you want to share some code snippet with others.
Things can’t be any more simpler. Just drag and drop the file that you want to upload and its done. Copy the link and send it to your friends. All the files are automatically made public. If you want to make it “private” then first click on “shorten link” and then on “Make Private”. Hopper really makes sharing easy, be it text or any files. They have not tried to stuff more features but the focus is on simplicity, rather than more shiny features. Try out this useful tool from below link.
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