Some people cannot stop comparing both of these operating systems – Android and iOS. But the question is, is it wise to compare them? Why do we compare? Just to know which one is better and which one still has room for improvement? There are many questions and since iPhone 4S (with iOS 5) is out, the comparison theory starts again. The question is really a matter of debate and many of you may see things from a different perspective.
There are fans of both the sides. Some say Android is better, while some say iOS. Fans, they will be always there to take the side of the OS which they love.
Android vs iOS
So here we start again. The new iPhone 4S includes Siri (beta), its a voice application that can assist you do just about everything like composing text, setting up reminders, meeting requests, checking mails and much more.
What’s more, you can even ask stupid questions and Siri will answer you right away. I think its the first time that Apple released an application in Beta. There are some funny videos on YouTube about Siri. But is this really a new breakthrough technology? Not for Android users. There are already some third party voice apps in Android and by default, it even comes with a functionality so that you just have to speak and it will type a text message, an email or call anyone from contact list.
Apps wise, which one is better? At this time, iOS has definitely got an edge over Android. There are many useful apps and motion sensing games (gyroscope) for iOS. I really love playing motion sensor games like Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit on iPod Touch and iPhone. For now, Android has not got a large choice for apps and motion sensing games, as compared to iOS. But as we know, Android is still an evolving platform. There is definitely room for improvement.
Which one is better – Android or iOS ?
The most difficult question and choosing one from these two is really not possible. I would always say that there’s no point in comparing two different platforms. We can answer this question from different perspectives.
If we think cost wise, then Android is better. Thanks to the new low costs Android smartphone in market like Samsung Galaxy Y which costs approx $150 (USD) with no contracts. So those who are dreaming to get hold of an Android can buy this not so expensive handset and can experience Android. Of course, the experience will also depend on the hardware used to manufacture that device. We cannot experience performance of Galaxy S2 in every phone.
Nowadays, we can find almost every manufacturer launching Android smartphone. But what about the hardware quality and performance. Google doesn’t and can’t control hardware specs. Whereas on the other side, Apple manufactures both – the hardware and software. They know all the ins and outs of its hardware and their operating system. It’s a matter of debate, but some say that iOS is very stable operating system.
If we’re talking about hardware, then let’s compare processor of iPhone 4S and Samsung Galaxy S2. iPhone 4S comes with Dual Core A5 chip and Samsung Galaxy S2 comes equipped with Dual-core 1.2GHz processor. Both the devices comes with 8-megapixel camera, so there’s not much to talk about. Of course, as we know, we cannot draw any conclusion by just counting on megapixels.
This age old war about comparing different OS’s won’t stop. It is like comparing Windows with Linux. Techies can keep on comparing and present their own personal opinion.
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ALSO SEE: Should You Buy iPhone or iPod Touch For Gaming Needs
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