Email signatures need not to be plain looking and boring. Bloggers, webmasters and social media marketers know the importance of this and that’s why they integrate social media icons and RSS feed to email signatures. Even if you are just an individual/professional and want to promote your social media profiles, then emails can be a good source of promotion.
For this purpose, we’ll be using WiseStamp, which is an email app that allows users to add various apps and social media icons to email signature. User can get started by installing the WiseStamp extension available for Chrome and Firefox.
With this app, users can start powering emails by linking social profiles like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest. You can also promote your latest eBay item, Blog post, Twitter tweets or Facebook, share funny quotes, legal disclaimers and add a company logo and name. Doing all this is very easy with this extension. Let’s understand how WiseStamp works.
Add Social Media Icons and RSS Feed to Email Signature
After installing the WiseStamp extension, you should see WiseStamp icon in the toolbar.
You should also see “WiseStamp first Steps” page which will confirm your successful installation and help you with your first WiseStamp steps. Follow the wizard and create your first social media email signature.
This “WiseStamp editor” is where all the fun lies. From here, you can add email apps, social media icons and IM icons to your signature.
Email apps: Twitter, RSS, Random quotes, Green footer, eBay, Did you know?, Music, Facebook page, Google plus, Etsy, Pinterest follow, WordPress, QR vCard, LinkedIn Connector.
Social icons: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blog RSS,, Amazon, AngelList,, Bebo, Behance, Blogger, deviantArt, eBay, Elance, Facebook page, Flickr, Flixster, FreiendFeed, Friendster, goodreads. Google Buzz, Google Plus, IMDB, Orkut, Picasa, Yelp, YouTube and many more.
IM icons: Google Talk, AIM, Blackberry, Y! Messenger, ICQ, MSN, Skype, QQ
Note that there is a different between email apps and social icons. Email apps work dynamically, they can display latest RSS feeds, latest tweets from your account and can do much more. For example, the RSS Feed app will display the latest post from any site/blog via RSS, the green footer app will add a green footer to your email, while the eBay app can promote latest product in your eBay store. There are many more such useful apps.
Whereas the social icons are just small icons displayed in the email signature with a link to your social media profile. These are static icons with a hyperlink.
And lastly, the IM icons will display the IM icon with the username next to it.
You can also click on the Preview button to see a preview of your email signature. If you like the signature then click on OK and if you don’t like it then continue editing it. After configuring your signature, all you need to do is to just open your Gmail or whichever your email provider is and then click on Compose. That’s all you need to do and you will see the email signature waiting there, ready to be sent. Here’s how it will look like:
According to the official extensions page, WiseStamp currently supports Gmail, Google mail, Google Apps, Yahoo! Mail, live Webmail, Hotmail, AOL, Thunderbird signature and more.
After integrating WiseStamp, a person should just send email as he/she would normally do. There’s no need to start spamming the recipient often as that can create problems.
Google Chrome users can install WiseStamp from Chrome WebStore and Mozilla Firefox users can install this extension from Firefox add-ons library.
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