Google has finally launched the new +1 button for websites. Now webmasters can add this Google +1 button to their websites/Blogs.
How does this +1 button work ?
This +1 button will help you recommend a specific page to your contacts and friends. Example, while searching, you may stumble upon a search result or advt. which seems interesting. User can +1 from right within Google search page. And then when your connections search they could see your +1’s directly in their search results. That’s a stamp of approval that you like that particular webpage and its useful.
But what if a particular webpage looks interesting and a visitor wants to plus one it ? Therefore, here’s the solution now. You (as a webmaster) can add this button to your site. And its just as easy as adding a simple code to the webpage.
How to Add Google Plus One (+1) Button to Website or Blog
Its too easy. Just follow below steps:
Add the below code before head section or just before you close body tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
And add below code where you want to display your Plus One button. Where ever you place the below code, the button will render at that place only.
You can also head over to +1 webmaster page. And from there, you can customize the settings, button’s style, language and other advanced options. Below is a screenshot of this:
View the official documentation on this, as that will clear all the doubts.
If you want your visitors to use your Google Plus One button, they’ll need both a Google Account and a Google Profile.
Also you can see other’s recommendations, if you’re signed in. Google is trying to get social or trying to add a touch of that human factor in the Search. After all, if you’ve visited that particular restaurant, then you know that food is delicious there, and thereby that restaurant gets voted plus one by you.
Take a look at this video, as it explains how can a post can go viral with the help of this button. We can’t ignore this, after all, its from Google and plus one matters.
You might also be interested on reading how to add Twitter follow button.
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