You all must have heared about Google Wave. So, some people might be thinking what it is. Google Wave is a communication and collaboration tool. It is a Web based service to merge email, instant messaging, wikis, social networking, etc. It is believed that Google Wave will replace traditional email systems and incorporates a more interactive chat like system.
Wave encapsulates conversations between different people and shows real-time responses in line. Basically a Wave is shared and yes, ofcourse it is live. Different people can communicate and work together in a richly formatted text, videos, photos, maps and more.
To nearly one million users, a “preview release” of Google Wave was done. The initial 1,00,000 users are allowed upto 20 additional users.
Google Wave is written in Java using OpenJDK. Google Wave is still in development. If you have an invitation, then you can login from
chris bailey says
At my college we use a different tool for working on our projects online.
Its free and needs no installation since its online, go to
pretty useful for me since i usually do my projects on the laptop. -chrisman