Microsoft has now rebranded and launched SkyDrive as OneDrive. The company, apart from renaming, also announced some new features on this occasion. For example, users will now have the ability to share and view videos just as easily as photos, automatic camera backup option for Android, iOS and Windows Phone and real-time co-authoring when using […]
How to Assign Drive Letter to Google Drive, Dropbox, SkyDrive & SugarSync
We now have many cloud storage services that offers online file storage and synchronization. Previously, there was only one worthwhile contender – Dropbox, but now we have many alternatives to choose from. These services provide different features and different price per GB. You can also take a look at comparison between different online storage services, […]
How to Shorten SkyDrive Links With SDRV.MS for Sharing Files On The Web
Sharing files on the web, with friends and family has always been an important task of any cloud storage and file sharing service. Sharing files with SkyDrive typically involves doing so via email. The plus point in sharing files via email is that the user has to directly paste the URL, without worrying how long […]