While writing a post, you must have observed that WordPress by default, will auto save the post frequently. Sometimes it can even create a distraction, as that “Save Draft” and “Publish” button will just disappear and then appear again. This is because WordPress is auto saving your post and this is called as post revision. Did you know that we can change this post autosave interval in WordPress? This is how it can be done.
Change Autosave Interval (Post revision) in WordPress
To do this, you must be familiar using FTP client like Filezilla. You can also try using some another FTP client, but using Filezilla is very easy and its a freeware.
After downloading and installing Filezilla, connect to your FTP account. You can create FTP accounts from cPanel. After connecting to your server, download wp-config.php (from the root of your WordPress installation). Its recommended to create a backup of this file, just in case something went wrong.
Open this file, and add these two lines at the end of this file:
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 4);
define( 'AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL', 120);
Don’t worry, here is an explanation of what this codes does. The first line tells WordPress to save only 4 post revisions of any article. Of course you can change this to any other number. This would help in minimizing the extra clutter from your website, as now only the last 4 revisions will be saved and not more than that.
The second line tells WordPress to auto save every post/article after 120 seconds. It won’t autosave until and unless this time duration is met. Note that you need to enter duration in seconds and not minutes.
So this is how you can customize the auto save frequency by editing wp-config.php. As said above, before doing anything, its recommended to take a backup of this file, as this is a core file and any error here can create many problems.
Disable Post Revision/Auto Save
Post revisions help us to recover posts to an earlier version, so that we are saved from the hassles of writing the entire post again. In most cases, you wouldn’t really want to disable post revisions in WordPress. But if you want to do, then all you need to do is to just add this line in your wp-config.php file:
define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);
This will disable post revision in your site.
Download Filezilla from here.
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