Autorun viruses are very smart. They can come from internet, USB flash drives, emails. etc. In most cases they come from USB flash drives. After inserting an infected USB flash drives/pen drive, if one double clicks on that drive, then the virus may infect your PC. They need just one execution and your computer is […]
Convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS
The first question that will come to your mind after reading this is why to convert a FAT32 partition to NTFS? Because there are certain advantages of using NTFS file system. If you have a 4 GB file on flashdrive or DVD then you cannot copy it to FAT 32 drives. It means capacity of […]
Useful Shortcuts for Run Command in Windows
This is for people who believe in shortcuts. Shortcut key for RUN is Windows+R. Or you can also click on start and then on RUN on Windows XP or just click on Start and type this commands in Windows Vista or Windows 7. This is a small list of RUN commands to write in RUN […]
Learn about Desktop Environments on Linux
DE or Desktop Environments are terms used in relation to Linux. DE’s are simply Graphical User Interface (GUI). GUI assist the user in using the computer without the knowledge of commands or any programming language. Linux was previously considered as a operating system which is only used by the Geeks, and that’s because so many […]